Friday, October 3, 2008

Madeleine Teh Siu Leng

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. The last person to tag you is?
- Madeleine Teh Siu Leng

2. What relationship of you with him/her?
- She is my friend =D

3. Your first impression towards him/her?
- She is a very nice girl.. friendly too^^

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you?
- Hmmm.. i dun think so.. bt she say she will draw sumthing for me..? hehe

5. The most memorable word that he/she has say to you?
- we just started chat.. so still duno >.<

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will..
- ehhh.. im nt lessbian..

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
- i dun think tht will happen rite? hehe

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
- toLd ya rite! im nt lessbian!

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
- hmm.. duno?!?!

10. The most desirable things to do for he/she is?
- ermm.. no idea =P

11. The overall impression to he/her is..
- A very good person and friend

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- y ask me? im not them -.-lll

13. The character you like of yourself is?
- im leng lui.. LOlx.. Perasan alot =P

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- Im kindda LAzy!

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
- my mum ^^

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
- i like u n care for u too ^^

lazy to tag le la..

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